
Drena Castle

Perched on the top of the hill which dominates the valley and the road it’s mentioned as far back as
the 12th century but is certainly far older. It features a square tower (25 m) in the centre of a boundary
wall which encloses what remains of the church of San Martino and a number of dwellings.

The castle belonged for centuries to the Counts of Arco and had mixed fortunes over the years, feeling the fury of General Vendôme who set fire to it in 1703.


Opening time: Mo. always closed.
March > June, Sept. 10am – 6pm July and August
10am – 7pm.October 10am – 5pm. Nov., Dec. 10am
– 5pm (only Sa. and Su.)Feb. 10am – 6pm (only Sa.
and Su.) January closed
Price: € 3,00; € 2,00 (12-18 and over 60); gratis